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. 2003 Feb;93(2):232–238. doi: 10.2105/ajph.93.2.232


—Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents and Their Relations With Depression

Regression Model Beta
Univariate Statistic Model 1 Model 2
Sex, No. (%)
    Female 92 (51.1) –0.001 0.021
    Malea 88 (48.8)
Education, No. (%)
    College or more 87 (48.3) –0.053 –0.044
    No collegea 93 (51.7)
Marital status, No. (%)
    Married 170 (94.4) –0.038 –0.012
    Not marrieda 10 (5.6)
Employment status, No. (%)
    Employed 149 (82.8) –0.067 –0.046
    Not employeda 31 (11.2)
Household income, $, No. (%)b
    ≥70 000 40 (22.7) –0.310* –0.296*
    30 000–69 999 96 (54.5)
    <30 000 40 (22.7)
Age in years, mean (SD) 49.3 (6.9) 0.153 0.173
Years in Canada, mean (SD) 19.7 (5.9) –0.001 –0.002
Discrimination score, mean (SD) 1.761 (0.620) 0.309* 0.190*
Emotional arousal score, mean (SD) 0.681 (0.406) 0.282*
    R2 0.248 0.310
    Adjusted R2 0.214 0.278

aReference group.

bPrevious year’s household income (before tax) was assessed in terms of 6 levels: (1) less than $15 000, (2) $15 000–$29 999, (3) $30 000–$49 999, (4) $50 000–$69 999, (5) $70 000–$89 999, and (6) $90 000 or more.

*P < 01.