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. 2004 Sep;168(1):227–251. doi: 10.1534/genetics.104.026617


X and third chromosome regions that modify theDmcycEJP phenotype

Deficiency Region removed by deficiency Effect on DmcycEJP Candidate genes
in the region
X chromosome
 Df(1)tBA1   1A1 to 2A Suppression Rbfa
 Df(1)JC19   2F6 to 3C5 Suppression NC
 Df(1)N73 and Df(1)sqh   5D1–2 to 5D5–6 Suppression roughex, air4 (−)
 Df(1)KA14   7F1–2 to 8C6 Mild suppression lawc (−), air11
 Df(1)vN48   9F to 10C3–5 Suppression dlg
 Df(1)C246   11D–E to 12A1–2 Suppression BAP60b
 Df(1)RK4   12F5–6 to 13A9–B10 Suppression NC
 Df(1)sc72b   13F1 to 14B1 Suppression NC
 Df(1)ma13   19A1–2 to 20E–F Suppression RpS6
 Df(1)4b18   14B8 to 14C1 Enhancement NC
 Df(1)N19   17A1 to 18A2 Enhancement fused
Third chromosome
 Df(3L)HR232 and Df(3L)HR119   63C6 to 63D3 Suppression sprouty
 Df(3L)GN24   63F4–7 to 64C13–15 Suppression cdc4 (ago)c
 Df(3L)vin2 and Df(3L)vin5   68A2–3 to 68D6 Suppression NC 3.2 region
  (See Table 5)
 Df(3L)brm11   71F1–4 to 72D1–10 Suppression Brahma3.5
  region (see Table 5)
 Df(3L)81K19   73A3 to 74F Suppression argos, Abl, Dab, sina,
  sinahd3.1 region (Table 5)
 Df(3R)p712   84D4–6 to 85B6 Suppression pyd(Z01)
 Df(3R)by10   85D8–12 to 85F1 Suppression hyd (−)
 Df(3R)Cha7   90F1–4 to 91F5 Suppression NC
 Df(3R)XS   96A1–7 to 96A21–25 Mild suppression NC
 Df(3R)T1P   97A to 98A1–2 Mild suppression l(3)mbt (−), scribble63S15
  region (Table 5)
 Df(3R)awdKRB   100C6–7 to 100D3–4 Suppression tramtrack (−)
 Df(3L)emc5   61C3–4 to 62A8 Enhancement emc (−), trio (S) Rac1b
 Df(3L)RG7   62B8–9 to 62F2–5 Enhancement Roughened (Rap1) (−)
 Df(3L)HR370   63A1 to 63D10 Enhancement NC
 Df(3L)GN50   63E1–2 to 64B17 Enhancement cdc2-63E (−), Ras64Bb, RfC40
 Df(3L)66CG28   66B8–9 to 66C10 Enhancement DNApolα50b
 Df(3L)hi22   66D10–11 to 66E1–2 Enhancement h (−), dally (−), mcm7b
 Df(3L)AC1   67A2 to 67D7–13 Enhancement shc, eif-4E, cdk8b
 Df(3L)Cat   75B8 to 75F1 Enhancement Replication-deficient regionb
 Df(3L)rdgC   77A1 to 77D1 Enhancement DNA primase
 Df(3L)PcMK   78A3 to 79E1 Enhancement cyclin H DNApol-etab
 Df(3R)Tp110   83C1–2 to 84B1–2 Enhancement plx
 Df(3R)eN19   93B to 94A Enhancement E2F1
 Df(3R)crbS874   95E8–F1 to 95F15 Enhancement crb
 Df(3R)3450   98E3 to 99A6–8 Enhancement string

Where deficiencies that overlap have the same effect on DmcycEJP, the region common to both deficiencies is given as the cytological region. Candidate genes that are underlined have the same effect on the DmcycEJP phenotype as the corresponding deficiency. Those indicated by (−) have been tested and shown to have no effect on DmcycEJP, while those indicated by (S) have been shown to suppress rather than enhance. NC, there was no candidate satisfying our criteria in the interval. Gene descriptions are as follows: Rbf, Retinoblastoma; roughex (inhibitor of Cyclin A/Cdk1 in the MF); air4, aberrant immune response 4 (blood cell tumor suppressor); lawc (enhancer of TxG mutants); air11, aberrant immune response 11 (blood cell tumor suppressor); dlg, discs-large (cytoarchetectual protein, neoplastic tumor suppressor); BAP60, Brahma-associated protein 60 (Brahma complex protein, chromatin remodeling); RpS6, Ribosomal protein S6 (translation factor, tumor suppressor); fused (protein kinase required for Hh signaling); sprouty (acts antagonistically to the Egfr); brahma (SWI2-related ATPase, chromatin remodeling, negative growth regulator); argos (Egfr ligand, anatogonist of Egfr signaling); Abl (nonreceptor tyrosine protein kinase); dab, disabled (acts synergistically with Abl); sina and sinah (ring finger E3 ubiquitin ligases, protein degradation); pyd, ZO1, and tamou (membrane-associated guanylate kinase); hyd, hyperplastic discs (HECT domain E3 ubiquitin ligase, protein degradation); l(3)mbt, lethal (3) malignant brain tumor (translation factor, tumor suppressor); scribble (cytoarchitectual protein, neoplastic tumor suppressor); tramtrack (neural differentiation inhibitor); emc, extra-macrochaetae (Id-related HLH repressor protein required for cell proliferation in the wing and with hairy for MF progression in the eye); trio (Rac-GEF, required for Rac activation); Rac1 (Rac family GTPase); Roughened (Rap1; Ras-like GTPase); cdc2-63E (cdc2-related protein kinase); Ras64B (Ras-related); RfC40, Replication factor-C40 (DNA replication initiation); DNApolα50, DNA polymerase-α 50-kD subunit (DNA replication); h, hairy (see emc); dally (glypican, cooperates with Wg and other growth factor receptors); mcm7, minichromosome maintenance 7 (DNA replication initiation); shc (adaptor protein required for Egfr signaling); eif-4E (translational initiation factor); cdk8 (cdc2-related protein kinase); DNA primase (DNA replication); cyclin H (Cyclin required for activation of cdk8 protein kinase); DNApol-eta (DNA replication); plx, pollux (a cell adhesion protein related to the human oncogene TRE17; Zhang et al. 1996); E2F1 (S-phase transcription factor); crb, crumbs (apical-lateral membrane protein involved in cell polarity); and string (Cdc25 phosphatase, activator of Cdc2). An unidentified gene essential for DNA replication is located within the 75B8–75F1 region (Smith et al. 1993). For more details see text.


Specific alleles of RBF have been shown to suppress the DmcycEJP phenotype and overexpression of RBF enhances the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype (Secombe et al. 1998; our unpublished data).


No specific mutation is available to test the interaction.


cdc4 (ago) alleles have been shown to suppress DmcycEJP (Moberg et al. 2001).


sina alleles showed only weak dominant suppression of the DmcycEJP rough eye phenotype; however, a sina-related gene is located next to sina (sinah), and removal of both may account for the suppression observed by the deficiency (M. Coombe, L. Quinn, R. Dickins, J. Secombe and H. Richardson, unpublished results).