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. 2003 Dec;93(12):2046–2049. doi: 10.2105/ajph.93.12.2046


Characteristics of American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) Children Aged 19–35 Months: National Immunization Survey, 1998–2000a

Characteristic 10 Statesb AIAN (Unweighted n = 674) % (95% CI) 10 Statesb Non-AIAN (Unweighted n = 10 105) % (95% CI) US AIAN (Unweighted n = 996) % (95% CI) US Non-AIAN (Unweighted n = 66 310) % (95% CI)
    Male 46.6 (41.3, 51.9) 51.3 (50.0, 52.6) 50.5 (45.4, 55.6) 51.0 (50.4, 51.6)
    Female 53.4 (48.1, 58.7) 48.7 (47.4, 50.0) 49.5 (44.4, 54.6) 49.0 (48.4, 49.6)
First born
    Yes 35.6 (30.5, 40.6) 40.4 (39.1, 41.6) 41.8 (36.6, 47.1) 40.8 (40.2, 41.4)
    No 64.4 (59.4, 69.5) 59.7 (58.4, 60.9) 58.2 (52.9, 63.4) 59.2 (58.6, 59.8)
Mother’s age, y
    ≤ 19 5.8 (3.5, 8.1) 3.6 (3.0, 4.1) 5.9 (3.6, 8.1) 3.6 (3.4, 3.9)
    20–29c,d 62.3 (57.3, 67.3) 50.3 (49.0, 51.6) 58.0 (52.8, 63.3) 46.5 (45.9, 47.1)
    ≥ 30c,d 32.0 (27.2, 36.6) 46.1 (44.8, 47.4) 36.1 (30.9, 41.3) 49.9 (49.3, 50.5)
Telephone interrupted in past year
    Yes 11.0 (8.1, 14.0) 8.7 (7.9, 9.6) 9.6 (7.1, 12.2) 7.5 (7.2, 7.8)
    No 89.0 (86.0, 91.9) 91.3 (90.4, 92.1) 90.4 (87.8, 92.9) 92.5 (92.2, 92.9)
Income, $
    0–30 000c,d 71.0 (65.8, 76.2) 48.5 (47.2, 49.9) 65.1 (59.9, 70.4) 47.2 (46.6, 47.9)
    30 001–50 000c 19.3 (14.7, 23.9) 25.3 (24.1, 26.4) 21.1 (16.5, 25.6) 21.9 (21.4, 22.4)
    50 001–75 000c,d 7.4 (4.3, 10.6) 15.8 (14.8, 16.8) 9.3 (6.1, 12.5) 16.5 (16.0, 16.9)
    ≥ 75 001c,d 2.3 (1.1, 3.5) 10.4 (9.7, 11.1) 4.5 (2.4, 6.7) 14.4 (14.0, 14.9)
Education of mother
    < 12 yc 24.5 (19.5, 29.5) 17.8 (16.7, 18.9) 20.2 (15.5, 25.0) 17.1 (16.6, 17.6)
    12 yc,d 46.8 (41.4, 52.2) 37.8 (36.5, 39.2) 44.1 (38.9, 49.2) 36.8 (36.2, 37.4)
    Some college 17.1 (13.8, 20.3) 19.6 (18.6, 20.5) 18.0 (14.6, 21.5) 17.8 (17.4, 18.3)
    College graduatec,d 11.6 (8.8, 14.5) 24.8 (23.8, 25.8) 17.7 (13.7, 21.6) 28.2 (27.7, 28.7)
Moved to different state
    Yesc 6.7 (4.2, 9.2) 13.9 (12.9, 14.9) 7.5 (5.0, 10.0) 9.7 (9.3, 10.0)
    Noc 93.3 (90.8, 95.8) 86.1 (85.1, 87.1) 92.5 (90.0, 95.0) 90.4 (90.0, 90.7)
No. of people in household
    2 3.2 (1.4, 4.9) 3.1 (2.6, 3.6) 4.4 (1.4, 7.3) 3.1 (2.9, 3.3)
    3c 19.0 (14.8, 23.3) 24.1 (23.0, 25.2) 23.2 (18.6, 27.8) 23.5 (23.0, 24.0)
    4 31.4 (26.5, 36.4) 35.2 (34.0, 36.5) 32.5 (27.7, 37.3) 36.6 (36.0, 37.2)
    5c 17.1 (13.5, 20.8) 21.2 (20.2, 22.3) 17.4 (13.3, 21.5) 20.7 (20.2, 21.2)
    ≥ 6c,d 29.2 (24.1, 34.4) 16.3 (15.3, 17.3) 22.6 (18.7, 26.4) 16.1 (15.6, 16.5)
Mother’s marital status
    Widowed/separated/divorced 11.0 (7.8, 14.2) 10.3 (9.5, 11.2) 11.5 (7.8, 15.3) 8.8 (8.5, 9.2)
    Never marriedc,d 35.2 (30.4, 40.1) 16.6 (15.6, 17.6) 32.9 (28.1, 37.7) 19.7 (19.2, 20.2)
    Marriedc,d 53.8 (48.4, 59.2) 73.1 (71.8, 74.3) 55.5 (50.3, 60.7) 71.5 (70.9, 72.1)
Child ever received Special
    Supplemental Nutrition
    Program for Women, Infants, and Children services
    Yesc,d 82.6 (78.5, 86.8) 55.5 (54.1, 56.8) 76.3 (71.9, 80.9) 53.7 (53.0, 54.3)
    Noc,d 17.4 (13.2, 21.5) 44.5 (43.2, 45.9) 23.7 (19.1, 28.2) 46.4 (45.7, 47.0)
Age of child, mo
    19–24 39.8 (34.6, 45.0) 35.4 (34.1, 36.6) 40.5 (35.4, 45.7) 35.9 (35.3, 36.4)
    25–29 27.1 (22.3, 31.9) 29.0 (27.8, 30.2) 28.0 (23.5, 32.5) 29.3 (28.7, 29.8)
    30–35 33.1 (27.9, 38.2) 35.6 (34.4, 36.9) 31.4 (26.5, 36.3) 34.9 (34.3, 35.5)
Shot card availability
    Yesc,d 41.0 (35.8, 46.2) 54.6 (53.3, 56.0) 44.1 (38.8, 49.3) 49.6 (49.0, 50.2)
    Noc,d 59.0 (53.8, 64.2) 45.4 (44.0, 46.7) 55.9 (50.7, 61.1) 50.4 (49.8, 51.0)
No. of providers
    1d 64.8 (59.7, 70.0) 61.3 (60.0, 62.5) 60.9 (55.6, 66.2) 67.8 (67.2, 68.3)
    ≥ 2d 35.2 (30.0, 40.3) 38.7 (37.5, 40.0) 39.1 (33.8, 44.4) 32.2 (31.7, 32.8)
Type of provider
    All publicc,d 46.3 (41.0, 51.7) 17.6 (16.6, 18.6) 36.2 (31.2, 41.2) 16.0 (15.5, 16.4)
    All privatec,d 19.1 (14.7, 23.4) 49.7 (48.4, 51.0) 31.5 (26.7, 36.3) 54.7 (54.1, 55.3)
    Other/mixed/unknown 34.6 (29.4, 39.8) 32.7 (31.5, 34.0) 32.3 (27.4, 37.2) 29.4 (28.8, 29.9)

Note. CI = confidence interval.

aChildren in survey period born between February 1995 and May 1999.

bAlaska, Arizona, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming.

cSignificant difference between 10 states AIAN and 10 states non-AIAN.

dSignificant difference between US AIAN and US non-AIAN.