Characteristics of Adults With High-Risk Chronic Medical Conditions: United States, 1999
All (n = 7655), No. (%) | Whites (n = 6482), No. (%) | Blacks (n = 1172), No. (%) | P Valuea | |
Aged ≥ 65 y | 2858 (32) | 2536 (34) | 322 (23) | < .0001 |
Women | 4643 (56) | 3848 (55) | 795 (63) | .0002 |
≥ High school | 3630 (49) | 3191 (50) | 439 (38) | < .0001 |
Income ≥ $20,000 | 4724 (75) | 4223 (77) | 501 (56) | < .0001 |
Employed | 3990 (57) | 3378 (57) | 612 (57) | .8713 |
Married | 3521 (59) | 3219 (61) | 302 (37) | < .0001 |
Health status worse | 1136 (14) | 953 (14) | 183 (15) | .3529 |
Physician checkup: yes | 5980 (79) | 5088 (79) | 892 (78) | .698 |
Usual source of care: yes | 7316 (96) | 6204 (96) | 1112 (96) | .4874 |
Health care coverage: yes | 7008 (91) | 6006 (92) | 1002 (85) | < .0001 |
Diabetes | 1471 (19) | 1101 (17) | 370 (32) | < .0001 |
Chronic heart conditions | 3169 (40) | 2745 (41) | 424 (36) | .0136 |
COPD | 1529 (20) | 1329 (20) | 200 (15) | .0001 |
Cancer | 1931 (25) | 1781 (26) | 150 (12) | < .0001 |
Asthma | 2232 (30) | 1839 (30) | 393 (35) | .0083 |
1 comorbid condition | 5549 (74) | 4676 (73) | 873 (77) | .0336 |
≥ 2 comorbid conditions | 2106 (26) | 1806 (27) | 300 (23) | .0336 |
Note. COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; No. = unweighted sample size; % = percentage of weighted sample (may differ slightly from percentage of unweighted sample); weighted sample = SUDAAN-generated population estimates weighted to the US population in 1999.
aP values are for unadjusted comparisons of Whites with Blacks.