Crude Prevalence of Influenza Vaccination in White and Black High-Risk Adults, by Patient Characteristics: United States, 1999
All, No. (%) | Whites, No. (%) | Blacks, No. (%) | P Valuea | |
Age | ||||
≥ 65 y | 1976 (71) | 1799 (73) | 177 (56) | < .0001 |
18–64 y | 1431 (30) | 1230 (31) | 201 (24) | .0024 |
Gender | ||||
Men | 1382 (45) | 1250 (46) | 132 (35) | .0011 |
Women | 2025 (42) | 1779 (44) | 246 (29) | < .0001 |
Education | ||||
≥ High school | 1537 (41) | 1407 (42) | 130 (28) | < .0001 |
< High school | 1843 (45) | 1600 (47) | 243 (33) | < .0001 |
Income | ||||
≥ $20,000 | 2007 (42) | 1849 (42) | 158 (32) | .0011 |
< $20,000 | 1177 (46) | 977 (50) | 200 (30) | < .0001 |
Employment | ||||
Employed | 2094 (60) | 1865 (62) | 229 (44) | < .0001 |
Not employed | 1229 (31) | 1096 (32) | 133 (21) | < .0001 |
Marital status | ||||
Married | 1595 (45) | 1500 (46) | 95 (32) | < .0001 |
Not married | 1805 (41) | 1523 (43) | 282 (31) | < .0001 |
Health status | ||||
Better or same | 2839 (42) | 2532 (44) | 307 (30) | < .0001 |
Worse | 555 (49) | 485 (50) | 70 (37) | .0031 |
Physician checkup: yes | 2878 (46) | 2565 (48) | 313 (34) | < .0001 |
Usual source of care: yes | 3371 (45) | 3002 (46) | 369 (32) | < .0001 |
Health care coverage: yes | 3307 (46) | 2959 (47) | 348 (34) | < .0001 |
Comorbidity status | ||||
1 comorbid condition | 2269 (39) | 2011 (41) | 258 (29) | < .0001 |
≥ 2 comorbid conditions | 1138 (54) | 1018 (55) | 120 (41) | .0001 |
Chronic medical condition | ||||
Diabetes | 808 (56) | 653 (60) | 155 (41) | < .0001 |
Chronic heart condition | 1612 (51) | 1458 (52) | 154 (36) | < .0001 |
COPD | 693 (43) | 635 (45) | 58 (38) | < .0001 |
Cancer | 1037 (52) | 983 (53) | 54 (32) | .0002 |
Asthma | 743 (32) | 643 (33) | 100 (27) | .1299 |
Note. COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; n = unweighted sample size; % = percentage of weighted sample (may differ slightly from percentage of unweighted sample); weighted sample = SUDAAN-generated population estimates weighted to the US population in 1999.
aP values are for unadjusted comparisons of Whites with Blacks.