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. 2004 Mar;94(3):400–405. doi: 10.2105/ajph.94.3.400


Different Types of Studies Aimed at Evaluating the Impact of an Intervention, With Emphasis on the Dose of the Intervention That Reaches Program Recipients

Type of Study Units of Treatment Delivery Mechanism for Intervention Compliance With Agent by Recipients Comments
A. Clinical efficacy trials Individuals Ideal Ideal Classical clinical trials of drugs, vaccines, etc.
B. Public health regimen efficacy Clusters of individualsa Ideal Ideal Same as above, but delivered to clusters rather than individuals
C. Public health delivery efficacy Clusters of individuals Ideal Best practice Ideal delivery is ensured, and compliance is actively promoted according to best practice
D. Public health program efficacy Clusters of individuals Best practice Best practice Randomized allocation of geographical areas to best practice implementation
E. Public health program effectiveness Clusters of individuals Routine Routine Randomized allocation of geographic areas to routine implementation

aFor example, geographically defined administrative units, or catchment areas of health facilities.