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. 2004 Jun;94(6):990–995. doi: 10.2105/ajph.94.6.990


Reported Reasons for Making the Association Between Vaccination and Autism and Related Disorders

Reported Reason for Making the Association Percentagea of Respondents Who Mentioned the Reason
Temporal proximity of vaccination and symptomsb 31.5%
Magazine/newspaper 24.2%
Doctor/nurse 21.0%
Web/Internet 19.4%
Family/friends 14.5%
Medical/scientific journals 11.3%
Consumer advocacy group/other parents 11.3%
Previous experience with vaccine adverse event 3.2%
Immunization consent form 3.2%
Comparison with other children 1.6%

aPercentages sum to greater than 100% because the responses are not mutually exclusive.

bFor example, “It happened so quickly after the vaccine.”