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. 2004 Jun;94(6):1043–1048. doi: 10.2105/ajph.94.6.1043


Estimated Effects of Individual- and State-Level Characteristics on the Probability of Fair or Poor Health Status, by Race: Current Population Survey Respondents Aged 25 to 74 Years

White Sample Black Sample
Explanatory Variable Base Model Base Model + Region Fixed Effects Base Model Base Model + Region Fixed Effects
Age 0.005*** (63.08) 0.005*** (63.43) 0.009*** (31.12) 0.009*** (31.24)
Household income per capita −0.002*** (18.75) −0.002*** (18.65) −0.006*** (11.82) −0.006*** (11.82)
Hispanic 0.003 (1.02) 0.002 (0.60) −0.020 (0.91) −0.011 (0.54)
Female 0.003* (1.92) 0.003* (1.91) 0.011 (1.59) −0.010 (1.48)
Married −0.055*** (17.68) −0.056*** (17.80) −0.080*** (7.69) −0.078*** (7.55)
Divorced, separated, or widowed −0.011*** (3.71) −0.012*** (4.06) −0.012 (1.19) −0.012 (1.22)
Any health insurance coverage 0.002 (0.78) 0.003 (1.06) 0.037*** (3.97) 0.038*** (4.09)
Less than high school education 0.080*** (22.32) 0.078*** (22.57) 0.102*** (11.95) 0.104*** (12.13)
Some college education −0.019*** (9.86) −0.019*** (9.96) −0.030*** (3.55) −0.033*** (4.11)
College degree or higher −0.048*** (21.01) −0.048*** (20.88) −0.052*** (4.52) −0.055*** (4.87)
Residence in metropolitan area −0.014*** (4.24) −0.015*** (4.55) −0.067*** (4.94) −0.065*** (5.10)
Residence in central city 0.013*** (4.43) 0.014*** (4.29) 0.034*** (2.81) 0.033*** (3.03)
Proportion Black in state 0.111*** (6.30) −0.016 (0.62) −0.058 (0.97) −0.022 (0.35)
Mean state income −0.001*** (3.07) −0.0004 (1.14) −0.002** (2.43) −0.001 (0.35)
χ2 test of joint significance of region effects (P) 75.94 (<.00001) 48.55 (<.00001)

Note. Values reported are results derived from the following multivariate probit model equation (see text): dProb(Y)/dX (absolute values of t are in parentheses). Both model specifications also included indicator variables for year of interview.

*P < .10; **P < .05; ***P < .01.

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