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. 2004 Sep;94(9):1580–1586. doi: 10.2105/ajph.94.9.1580


Individual, Residential, and Case Characteristics: National Activity Settings and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Study

Characteristic No. (%)
    Female 84 (20.69)
    Male 322 (79.31)
Age, y
    5–6 38 (8.80)
    7–9 162 (37.50)
    10–13 174 (40.28)
    14–18 58 (13.43)
Household income, $
    < 10 000 9 (2.36)
    10 000–24 999 34 (8.92)
    25 000–49 999 112 (29.40)
    50 000–74 999 106 (27.28)
    ≥ 75 000 120 (31.5)
Community type
    Large city 54 (13.88)
    Suburb 155 (39.85)
    Medium towna 62 (15.94)
    Small town 56 (14.40)
    Rural 62 (15.94)
    Northeast 106 (29.44)
    South 78 (21.67)
    West 82 (22.78)
    Midwest 94 (26.11)
Diagnosed with hyperactivity
    No 99 (24.38)
    Yes 307 (75.62)
Case severity
    Very mild 4 (0.99)
    Mild 34 (8.40)
    Average 119 (29.38)
    Severe 176 (43.46)
    Very severe 72 (17.78)
Comorbid condition
    Conduct disorder 18 (3.98b)
    Learning disorders 131 (28.98b)
    Oppositional defiant disorder 78 (17.26b)
    None 128 (28.32b)

aDefined as a town with a population between 15 000 and 100 000.

bPercentage of total sample (n = 452) who responded yes. Not all respondents indicated comorbidity status, and some respondents reported more than 1 comorbid condition.