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. 2004 Oct;168(2):907–921. doi: 10.1534/genetics.104.031278

Figure 9.—

Figure 9.—

Comparison of all dipteran Sxl proteins characterized so far and nucleotide substitution numbers in the three domains in which the proteins were subdivided: N-terminal, RNA-binding domains (RBD1 and RBD2) and C-terminal domains. Amino acid alignments for the RBDs were performed using D. melanogaster Sxl protein as a reference. The dots indicate the matching of amino acids. The numbers on the left and right of the RBDs indicate the number of amino acids composing the N- and C-terminal domains, respectively. Synonymous (pS) and nonsynonymous (pN) substitution numbers are placed above the corresponding protein domains. The accession numbers for the Sxl ORFs are: AY178581 for S. ocellaris, M59448 for D. melanogaster, X98370 for D. subobscura, communicated by Paul Scheld's group for D. virilis, AF026145 for C. capitata, AF025690 for M. domestica, S79722 for Ch. rufifacies, and AJ245662 for M. scalaris.