Thin layer chromatography plate showing that placement of ΔpcsA and/or facA303 in the ΔmcsA background at least partially restores ST production. All strains were grown in liquid GMM for 84 hr before extraction for ST. The strains used in this assay were FGSC26 (wild type), RYQ11 (ΔmcsA), RTMK11 (facA303), TYQ4.24 (ΔpcsA), RYQ27.1 (facA303/ΔmcsA), RYQ25.1 (ΔmcsA/ΔpcsA), RYQ23.1 (facA303/ΔpcsA), and RYQ25.4 (ΔmcsA/ΔpcsA/facA303). There were two replications for each treatment. ST, sterigmatocystin standard.