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. 2005 Apr;95(4):674–680. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2003.031716


Analysis of Variance Results by Outcome Measure: US Counties, 1990 (n = 3075)

All-Cause Mortality per 100 000 Population Heart Disease Mortality per 100 000 Population Cancer Mortality per 100 000 Population
Predictora Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
    > 75th percentile 1084.60**** 263.59 491.19**** 152.83 228.86**** 61.78
    50th–75th percentile 1057.39**** 238.53 479.5**** 135.58 234.04**** 56.38
    25th–50th percentile 1003.67**** 249.29 459.99**** 145.92 224.63**** 57.93
    ≤ 25th percentile 856.24**** 244.44 384.76**** 135.67 194.59**** 59.66
Primary Care
    < 75th percentile 1030.90**** 262.53 471.37**** 148.85 225.51**** 61.11
    ≥ 75th percentile 953.25**** 253.35 421.53**** 138.37 213.63**** 58.08
Percent Black
    ≥ Median 1030.91**** 277.79 471.26**** 161.02 226.75**** 66.87
    < Median 992.24**** 244.76 446.67**** 132.47 218.37**** 53.30
Percent unemployed
    ≥ Median 1037.62**** 223.00 470.85**** 128.94 227.58**** 55.19
    < Median 984.74**** 295.05 446.68**** 164.14 217.39**** 65.25
Average income
    < 75th percentile 1040.37**** 246.05 475.19**** 140.77 226.02**** 57.21
    ≥ 75th percentile 925.15**** 289.54 410.24**** 157.64 212.14**** 68.66
Percent high school education
    ≥ Median 936.40**** 269.73 421.45**** 150.37 212.14**** 62.23
    < Median 1087.07**** 231.45 496.61**** 135.23 233.01**** 57.00

aOne-way analysis of variance was performed to find the overall difference among 4 groups for Gini. The Scheffe multiple comparison procedure was used to further compare paired differences between each of the 4 groups after rejection of the overall hypothesis that at least 1 group is different from the others. The results from Scheffe comparison procedure indicate that each mortality outcome for Gini ≤ 25th percentile group was significantly lower than that of the other Gini groups (P < .05). T-tests were used to compare variables with only 2 groups.

* P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001; ****P < .0001.