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. 2005 May;95(5):873–880. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.052456


Characteristics of Tuberculosis (TB) Cases, by Racial/Ethnic Group: United States, 1993–2002

Non-Hispanic, No. (%)
Characteristic AIAN White Black API Hispanic, No. (%)
Age, y 2540 (100.0) 48 426 (100.0) 64 276 (100.0) 36 805 (100.0) 43 441 (100.0)
    < 5 133 (5.2) 976 (2.0) 2472 (3.8) 738 (2.0) 2967 (6.8)
    5–9 55 (2.2) 330 (0.7) 1045 (1.6) 323 (0.9) 1172 (2.7)
    10–14 39 (1.5) 209 (0.4) 801 (1.2) 379 (1.0) 755 (1.7)
    15–24 133 (5.2) 1372 (2.8) 4619 (7.2) 4119 (11.2) 6146 (14.1)
    25–44 756 (29.8) 11 602 (24.0) 27 160 (42.3) 13 147 (35.7) 17 263 (39.7)
    45–64 795 (31.3) 13 978 (28.9) 18 120 (28.2) 9797 (26.6) 9447 (21.7)
    ≥ 65 628 (24.7) 19 941 (41.2) 10 043 (15.6) 8295 (22.5) 5686 (13.1)
    Unknown 1 (< 0.1) 18 (< 0.1) 16 (< 0.1) 7 (< 0.1) 5 (< 0.1)
Site of disease 2540 (100.0) 48 426 (100.0) 64 276 (100.0) 36 805 (100.0) 43 441 (100.0)
    Pulmonary only 1784 (70.2) 38 564 (79.6) 47 510 (73.9) 25 961 (70.5) 32 015 (73.7)
    Extrapulmonary only 488 (19.2) 7196 (14.9) 11 064 (17.2) 8723 (23.7) 7785 (17.9)
    Pulmonary and extrapulmonary 267 (10.5) 2640 (5.5) 5681 (8.8) 2110 (5.7) 3630 (8.4)
    Unknown 1 (< 0.1) 26 (0.1) 21 (< 0.1) 11 (< 0.1) 11 (< 0.1)
TB case criteriaa 2540 (100.0) 48 426 (100.0) 64 276 (100.0) 36 805 (100.0) 43 441 (100.0)
    Culture-positive 2059 (81.1) 39 993 (82.6) 52 683 (82.0) 29 565 (80.3) 32 911 (75.8)
    Smear-positive 17 (0.7) 625 (1.3) 375 (0.6) 239 (0.6) 288 (0.7)
    Clinical diagnosis 260 (10.2) 4435 (9.2) 7165 (11.1) 5000 (13.6) 6771 (15.6)
    Provider diagnosis 204 (8.0) 3373 (7.0) 4053 (6.3) 2001 (5.4) 3471 (8.0)
Sputum smear for acid fast bacillib (adultsc) 1857 (100.0) 40 029 (100.0) 49 644 (100.0) 26 930 (100.0) 31 902 (100.0)
    Positive 966 (52.0) 17 042 (42.6) 25 449 (51.3) 10 305 (38.3) 16 324 (51.2)
    Negative 697 (37.5) 15 520 (38.8) 19 052 (38.4) 14 228 (52.8) 12 840 (40.2)
    Not done/unknown 194 (10.5) 7467 (18.7) 5143 (10.4) 2397 (8.9) 2738 (8.6)
Sputum cultureb (adultsc) 1857 (100.0) 40 029 (100.0) 49 644 (100.0) 26 930 (100.0) 31 902 (100.0)
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis positive 1523 (82.0) 27 391 (68.4) 38 519 (77.6) 19 682 (73.1) 24 548 (76.9)
    M. tuberculosis negative 196 (10.6) 5305 (13.3) 6170 (12.4) 4729 (17.6) 4671 (14.6)
    Not done/unknown 138 (7.4) 7333 (18.3) 4955 (10.0) 2519 (9.4) 2683 (8.4)
HIV status among TB patients aged 25–44 yd 652 (100.0) 10 086 (100.0) 23 641 (100.0) 10 567 (100.0) 14 140 (100.0)
    Positive 36 (5.5) 2207 (21.9) 8634 (36.5) 189 (1.8) 3217 (22.8)
    Negative 267 (41.0) 3748 (37.2) 7857 (33.2) 2842 (26.9) 3636 (25.7)
    Unknown 349 (53.5) 4131 (41.0) 7150 (30.2) 7536 (71.3) 7287 (51.5)
Crude TB case ratee,f 8.4 1.5 12.6 28.6 10.3
Age-adjusted TB case ratee,f,g 10.6 1.4 13.7 30.3 12.3

Note. AIAN = American Indian/Alaska Native (includes only US-born AIAN persons); API = Asian/Pacific Islander; TB = tuberculosis.

aDefinitions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.24

bIncludes only persons with pulmonary TB.

cAdult is defined as a person 15 years or older.

dIncludes only TB cases reported from 1993 through 2000.

eIncludes only TB cases counted in 2002.

fTB case rate = TB cases per 100 000 population.

gAge-adjusted rates were calculated with the direct method, with the 2000 US population as reference.32