Percentage | |
Identified no. of required clinic visits | 78 |
Identified treatment administration as oral | 79 |
Knew child’s blood would be taken | 98 |
Knew child’s blood would be used for future research | 52 |
Named 1 or more side effects | 18 |
Accurately identified the following symptoms as possible side effects | |
Fainting | 20 |
Skin rash or itching | 32 |
Knew the following symptoms were not possible side effects | |
Red eyes | 65 |
Hearing problems | 70 |
Knew that all children would be treated, but not with the same drug | 19 |
Knew that doctors would determine treatment allocation according to chance | 7a |
a This question was asked only of the 19% who knew that not all children would receive the same drug; 39% of that group knew that treatment would be allocated by chance.