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. 2005 Aug;95(8):1445–1452. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.044248


Average Number of Minutes per Day of Home Care, by Child Illness Group and Type of Care

Home Care, Average min/d
HIV Group (n = 97) Chronic Group (n = 101) Healthy Group (n = 102)
Type of Care All Caregivers: Paid and Unpaid All Caregivers: Paid Only Primary Caregiver Only: Paid and Unpaid All Caregivers: Paid and Unpaid All Caregivers: Paid Only Primary Caregiver Only: Paid and Unpaid All Caregivers: Paid and Unpaid All Caregivers: Paid Only Primary Caregiver Only: Paid and Unpaid
Technical care 65.05x 7.70x 41.56x 151.73y 32.46y 97.55y 7.83z 0.13z 6.29z
    Diagnostic procedures 18.86x 2.79x 10.18x 97.47y 24.14y 59.63y 6.30z 0.04z 5.10x
    Medications 38.00x 4.37x 24.78x 17.28y 3.46x 13.08y 1.20z 0.07y 0.95z
    Intravenous lines 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.02 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Care of nasogastric or feeding tubes 2.08x 0.51x 0.71x 16.97y 3.80y 10.99y 0.00x 0.00x 0.00x
    Skin 0.04x 0.00 0.04x 1.34y 0.18 1.12y 0.04x 0.00 0.04x
    Other tubes/equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.76x 0.83 1.36 0.00y 0.00 0.00
    Crisis 5.53x 0.00 5.48x 5.53x 0.01 4.83x 0.14y 0.00 0.11y
    Other 0.54x 0.02 0.38x 9.76y 0.02 5.94y 0.14x 0.01 0.10x
Nontechnical care 131.51x 9.37x 91.63x 266.90y 37.53y 200.01y 140.63x 5.81x 102.17x
    Feeding 22.86x 1.56x 16.55x 61.12y 11.80y 46.47y 29.30x 1.64x 22.26x
    Bathing 12.46x 1.56x 9.10x 16.00x 2.20x 11.74x 8.60y 0.40y 6.14y
    Skin care 5.65x 0.46 4.50x 8.85y 1.31x 7.18y 4.93x 0.25y 4.15x
    Grooming 10.55x 0.81 8.31x 18.53y 1.84 15.00y 12.43x 0.93 10.01x
    Bowels/bladder 5.51x 0.95x 2.78x 22.22y 3.52y 15.70y 6.69x 0.54x 4.36x
    Using toilet 2.18 0.12 1.60 4.66 0.50 3.56 3.27 0.25 2.14
    Getting around house 8.10x 0.20 4.49x 30.12y 4.80x 22.15y 13.40 0.07y 5.43x
    Getting other places 35.35 1.62 22.00x 49.53 4.75x 33.15y 45.51 1.35y 34.98y
    Transfer bed/chair 0.70x 0.05x 0.29x 7.30y 0.90y 5.19y 1.03x 0.00x 0.87x
    Laundry due to illness 9.47x 0.34x 7.65x 13.71x 2.41y 11.98x 3.03y 0.02z 2.13y
    Housecleaning due to illness 7.28x 0.67x 4.77x 14.67x 1.27x 11.92y 1.06y 0.00y 0.91z
    Dressing 6.52x 0.39x 5.00x 16.49y 1.38y 12.73y 8.22x 0.34x 6.23x
    Other 4.82 0.64 4.70 3.67 0.85 3.24 3.14 0.00 2.55
Health care management 39.72x 1.91x 32.01x 48.16x 6.09x 42.16x 11.86y 0.26y 10.34y
    Arranging care 13.61x 0.82 12.07x 17.60x 3.24x 16.32x 4.73y 0.14y 4.13y
    Arranging finances/insurance 2.40 0.10 1.82 4.12x 0.28 3.92x 0.73y 0.01 0.67y
    Education/training 4.57 0.02 3.27 4.27 0.38 3.78 2.28 0.03 1.94
    Travel/waiting 18.70x 0.92x 14.38x 20.20x 1.91x 16.18x 3.78y 0.08y 3.30y
    Other 0.44 0.04 0.44 1.96 0.28 1.96 0.34 0.00 0.29
Total daily technical/nontechnical care
    Minutes 196.56x 17.07x 133.19x 418.63y 70.00y 297.56y 148.46x 5.94z 108.46x
    Hours 3.28 . . . . . . 6.98 . . . . . . 2.47 . . . . . .
Total daily all care
    Minutes 236.28x 18.97x 165.20x 466.79y 76.08y 339.73y 160.32z 6.20z 118.80z
    Hours 3.94 . . . . . . 7.78 . . . . . . 2.67 . . . . . .
Total daily all care after control for healthy children
    Minutes 76.00 12.78 46.40 306.47 69.89 220.92
    Hours 1.27 . . . . . . 5.11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Note. Groups in the same row with different subscripts are significantly different from each other at P ≤.05; groups in the same row with identical subscripts are not significantly different. No subscripts indicate no significant differences.