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. 2005 Nov;95(11):1976–1981. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.059063


Maternal and Infant Characteristics of SIDS Case Subjects, Control Subjects Who Died of Non-SIDS Causes, and Live Control Subjects

SIDS Case Subjects a Live Control Subjects b Control Subjects Dead from Non-SIDS Causes c
    Elementary school 7 6 7
    Some high school 32 16 23
    High school 35 34 35
    Some college 14 20 16
    College graduate 7 19 11
Age 23.8 (5.6) 26.7 (5.9) 25.7 (6.3)
    Northeast 11 18 19
    Midwest 27 22 20
    South 36 35 39
    West 25 25 22
    Born in United States 92 82 81
    Born outside United States 8 18 16
    White 58 63 45
    Black 28 15 35
    Hispanic 10 17 16
    Other 5 5 4
Married 48 70 50
    1 30 41 40
    2 34 32 28
    ≥ 3 36 26 30
Tobacco use during pregnancy 30 12 14
Female sex 40 49 44
Gestation, wk 38.6 (3.1) 39.2 (2.3) 31.6 (7.9)
Preterm delivery (> 37 weeks’ gestation) 18 8 56
Birthweight, g 3115 (632) 3382 (535) 1893 (1291)
Very low birthweight (< 1500 g) 2 0 45
Low birthweight (< 2500 g) 12 4 12
5-minute Apgar score 8.9 (0.7) 9.0 (0.6) 5.7 (3.5)

Note. Values in table are mean and SD for continuous variables and percentages for categorical variables

a Total N = 21 126; 1989–1991: N = 13 830; 1996–1998: N = 7296.

b Total N = 2 161 580; 1989–1991: N = 1 050,124; 1996–1998: N = 1 027 144.

c Total N = 79 638; 1989–1991: N = 46 829; 1996–1998: N = 32 809.