Figure 8.—
Deletion of PKA increases Hsf1p phosphorylation. The phosphorylation state of Myc-tagged Hsf1 was analyzed in strains YHN1172 (HSF1-13Myc::TRP1 msn2/4Δ) and YHN1173 (HSF1-13Myc::TRP1 msn2/4Δ tpk1/2/3Δ). Yeast expressing Myc-tagged Hsf1 were grown at 30° (heat shock −) or heat-shocked at 40° for 30 min (heat shock +). Hsf1-13Myc was enriched by immunoprecipitation from cell extracts and split into two pools. These samples were incubated with and without calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP +/−) and resolved on a 7.5% SDS-PAGE, and Hsf1-13Myc was detected by Western blotting with Myc antibodies.