Figure 2.—
An additional rad1 or rad10 mutation in GCR mutator strains increases sensitivity to MMS. (A) Individual strains were serially diluted and spotted onto YPD or YPD containing 0.005% MMS and incubated for 3 days at 30°. (B–D) Individual strains were exposed to the indicated doses of MMS for 2 hr during exponential growth phase and their survivals were compared to untreated controls. (B) mec1Δ sml1Δ; (C) rad27Δ; (D) mre11Δ in wild type, rad1, or rad10 backgrounds. Wild type, RDKY3615; rad1Δ, YKJM1397; rad10Δ, YKJM1433; mec1Δ sml1Δ, RDKY3735; mec1Δ sml1Δ rad1Δ, YKJM1684; mec1Δ sml1Δ rad10Δ, YKJM1722; rad27Δ, RDKY3630; rad27Δ rad1Δ, YKJM1707; rad27Δ rad10Δ, YKJM1696; mre11Δ, RDKY3633; mre11Δ rad1Δ, YKJM1686; mre11Δ rad10Δ, YKJM1692.