Figure 7.—
α-Syn expression impairs growth of a pre2 proteasomal mutant. (A) PRE+ and pre2-1001 strains (EVS1013 and HS22, respectively) were transformed with GST-α-Syn expression vectors and streaked onto synthetic medium lacking uracil. Transformants were grown under either repressing (2% dextrose; DEX) or inducing (2% galactose; GAL) conditions. Plates were incubated at 30° for either 2.5 or 3 days, respectively (in the case of PRE+) and for 6.5 or 9 days (in the case of pre2-1001). Vector was pRS316. (B) The isogenic strains EVS1012 and HS22 were transformed with GST-α-Syn expression vectors as above and grown in liquid SD −Ura to stationary phase. Fivefold serial dilutions were spotted onto −Ura medium containing either 2% dextrose (DEX) or 2% galactose + 2% raffinose (GAL). Plates were incubated at 30° either for 2 or 3 days (PRE+) or for 5 or 8 days (pre2).