Figure 3.—
The average speed and squared width of a solitary wave at μ = 0: Monte Carlo simulation vs. analytic results. Both quantities are divided by the respective deterministic values. Purple dots, the wave speed [average Monte Carlo, −d/dt/s
]; green dots, the wave width square [average Monte Carlo, w2/
]; vertical bars, 60% statistical errors for the estimate of the average; purple lines, analytic results (Equation 1). The value of s and the average mutation number at the start,
st, and at the sampling time,
0, are shown at the top. The values of r are shown on the curves. Simulation results are averaged over 40 random runs (top) and 10 runs (bottom). Lavender lines, results for an asexual population for μ = 10−4 and the total locus number L = 103 characteristic for HIV.