Figure 6.—
Occurrence of subtelomere short repeats. Normalized occurrences [average occurrence/kilobase pair (+ standard deviation)] of various short subtelomeric repeated sequence motifs (“Srpt”) are shown in various chromosomal regions. The “o” indicates motifs that were present at least once in all members of the region considered. Results for genic regions at the ste3 locus were similar to the intergenic spacers ones (data not shown). Srpt1, T3–4A5–8; Srpt2, T3A5W; Srpt3, GA1–2(GA)2; Srpt5, GT3AT; Srpt6, T4MT2A4; Srpt8, TRAT4KYATYR2; and InvSrpt7, BTGYBA2MWA.