Figure 4.—
Range of epistasis values under which a modifier increasing recombination increases in frequency, under gametophytic selfing, and under the fitness matrix given in Table 2. (A) Increased recombination is selected between the two vertical planes when α = 10−5 and between the two other planes when α = 10−1. (B–D) Regions of ea×a, ea×d, and ed×d, where increased recombination is selected, when α = 10−5 (dotted lines), α = 10−2 (dashed-dotted lines), and α = 10−1 (dashed-double-dotted lines). Each time, a modifier increasing recombination is predicted to increase in frequency between the two lines (obtained from Equations 29 and 30). Circles correspond to simulation results for α = 10−2 and 10−1: solid circle, the modifier increases in frequency when rare; open circle, it decreases in frequency. Parameter values are: (B) s = −0.1, h = 0.1, rij = 0.2, rik = 0.2, ea×d = 0.01; (C) ed×d = 0.01; and (D) ea×a = 0.01. In the simulations, dr = 0.01, hM = 1/2, and u = 10−5.