Disruption of the amyA locus. (A) Schematic of the disruption strategy. The locations of PCR primers are indicated by arrows. Formation of the disrupted amyA allele requires two recombination events between plasmid pAmy2 and amyA which are indicated by the crossed lines. (B) PCR analysis of lacS in PBL2000 and PBL 2002 using primers LacSF and LacSR. Lane 1, PBL2000; lane 2, PBL2002. (C) PCR analysis of disrupted locus. Lane 1, lacS from PBL2000 amplified using LacSF and LacSR and digested by EcoRV; lane 2, lacS from PBL2003 amplified using LacSF and LacSR and digested by EcoRV; lane 3, amyA from strain PBL2002 amplified using 1172FA and 1172R1; lane 4, amyA amplified from strain PBL2003 and digested by BspEI; lane 5, amyA amplified from disrupted strain PBL2004 using 1172FA and 1172R1; lane 6, amyA amplified from disrupted strain PBL2004 using 1172FA and 1172R1 and digested by BspEI; lane 7, amyA amplified from disrupted strain PBL2004 using 1172FA and 1172 R1 and digested by EcoRV.