Analysis of off-rate selections: semiquantitative inhibition RIA
of selected c12 mutants (for details see Experimental
Protocol). Kinetic and affinity parameters of purified c12 and
three mutants were determined experimentally as described in the text.
Because of the similar RIA profile of all mutants three c12 mutants of
this set along with the parental protein were further analyzed. c12
wild-type: koff = 0.0028
s−1, kon = 2.5 ×
106 M−1 s−1,
KD, calc = 1.1 nM,
KD, titr = 1.5 nM; c12 B5–6:
koff = 0.00014 s−1,
kon = 3.4 × 106
M−1 s−1, KD,
calc = 0.04 nM,
KD,titr = 0.1 nM; c12 B5–2:
koff = 0.00020 s−1; c12
B5–9: koff = 0.00018 s−1.
Measurements were performed at 25°C as described (19).
KD, calc is the ratio obtained from the
dissociation rate (koff) and the association
rate (kon), and KD,
titr is the equilibrium dissociation constant directly
determined by titration. The error between duplicate measurements for
koff and kon of
all measured mutants is about ±3%; the error for
KD, titr is about ±8%.