E-4031-sensitive currents measured in a rhombencephalon neurone and erg currents following heterologous expression of erg1a, erg1b, erg2 and erg3 channels in CHO cells were recorded with the pulse protocol as described in Figs 2 and 6. The deactivating erg currents elicited by the test pulses between −70/−80 mV and −120 mV were fitted with a single exponential function to the fast decaying part of the curves (dotted lines in A and B) yielding the time constant τfast. Example traces elicited by the test pulse to −100 mV of native (A) and heterologously expressed currents (B). C, mean values of time constants τfast of deactivation plotted against the test potential for erg currents in rhombencephalon neurones (•; n= 24), as well as for erg1a (○; n= 6), erg1b (▵; n= 8), erg2 (▿; n= 10) and erg3 (□; n= 5) currents measured in CHO cells. Asterisks indicate significance against τfast of rhombencephalic erg (*P≤ 0.05; **P≤ 0.01; ***P≤ 0.001).