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. 2006 Jan;172(1):287–292. doi: 10.1534/genetics.105.045831


Fly stocks used

Abbreviation of population/location Location Country Date of collection Provided/ collected by: No. of lines F1/isofemale
Fia Harjavalta Finland August 1996 19 Isofemale
Kata Katowice Poland October 2000 J. Gorczyca 30 F1
WRa Weil am Rhein Germany September 2000 B. Harr 30 F1
Texa Texel Netherlands 1997 D. Slezak 30 F1
Kbha Copenhagen Denmark 1998 V. Loeschcke 30 F1
Kr Crete Greece August 1998 A. Hans 9 F1
Naa Naples Italy 2000 C. Schlötterer 32 F1
Kea Kenya K. Yoon 24 Isofemale
ZiHa Harare Zimbabwe C.-I Wu, C. Aquadro 15 Isofemale
Pea Penn State, PA United States 1998 M. Dermitzakis 30 F1
SCa West End, NC United States September 2000 G. Gibson 30 Isofemale
GRa Groth Winery, Napa Valley, CA United States October 1996 J. F. McDonald 30 Isofemale
NJa Rockaway, NJ United States Summer 1999 E. Weiss 31 F1
Bea La Milpa Belize Summer 1999 E. Weiss 19 F1
KL Kuala Lumpur Malyasia October 2002 A. Das 20 Isofemale
KK Kota Kinabalu Malaysian Borneo October 2002 A. Das 20 Isofemale
MAN Manila Philippines October 2002 A. Das 14 Isofemale
CEB Cebu Philippines October 2002 A. Das 20 Isofemale
CM Chiang Mai Thailand October 2002 A. Das 25 Isofemale
BKK Bangkok Thailand October 2002 A. Das 20 Isofemale
H.Chu Hsin Chu Taiwan July 2002 S.-C. Tsaur 9 Isofemale
Ci Jiamusi Heilongiiang, China August 2002 E. Li 30 F1
Mys Mysore India 2003 H. A. Ranganath 9 Isofemale

Data for 48 loci were taken from Caracristi and Schlötterer (2003).