Power curves of the test statistics F4,ad, F4,a, F2,ad, and F2,a against the disequilibrium coefficient for a dominant mode of inheritance a = d = 1.0 at a 0.05 significance level. F4,ad and F4,a are calculated when marker A has four equal frequency alleles; i.e., . The measures of LD are (A and B) and (C and D) . F2,ad and F2,a are calculated by collapsing two of the four alleles: (A and C) alleles A1 and A2 are collapsed as one allele, and alleles A3 and A4 are collapsed to be the other; (B and D) alleles A1 and A3 are collapsed to be one allele, and alleles A2 and A4 are collapsed to be the other. The other parameters are q1 = 0.50, h2 = 0.25, N = 200.