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. 2006 Feb;172(2):1287–1300. doi: 10.1534/genetics.105.047209


Main-effect QTL affecting traits of agronomic importance detected in RILs and four TC populations

Main-effect QTLa
Marker interval
Significant teste
Chromosome LODb Effectc R2%d LOD Effect R2% LOD Effect R2% LOD Effect R2% LOD Effect R2%
ph1 1 S1501-C904 15.67 −4.2 23.4 9.63 −3.0 15.0 6.04 −2.1 9.3 12.89 −3.0 14.2 NS, **
ph2 2 C920-C1769 4.12 −2.6 5.6
ph3a 3 S10656-r273 6.26 3.0 9.3
ph3b 3 RM168-yl-171 5.42 1.9 5.7
ph4 4 y103D-C2807 3.60 −2.4 4.7
ph5 5 RM274-w143D 3.83 −1.9 5.4
ph6 6 C688-S1520 4.95 −3.6 14.1 6.63 −1.8 4.9 **
ph7 7 C615-R565 4.89 2.0 7.5
ph8 8 R2662-RZ572 8.79 −2.0 3.8
ph9a 9 C1257-G1085 4.17 2.0 6.6
ph9b 9 R1562-C570 11.63 2.1 8.5
ph10a 10 RM304-G2155 7.74 −3.8 16.8 15.63 −3.8 30.0
ph10b 10 S2083-RZ649A 3.47 −1.6 3.0
ph11a 11 RG2-C1172 4.99 2.8 7.1
ph11b 11 R2918-S1559B 4.16 1.7 3.8
ph11c 11 C6-G376 7.37 2.0 7.4
ph12 12 C2808-RG543 3.56 −2.7 6.2 4.62 −2.5 8.0 7.07 −2.3 11.4 5.87 −1.8 4.4 NS
hd1 1 y517-S2139 6.71 −2.2 7.2 3.37 −1.9 2.6 NS
hd6a 6 C688-S1520 12.52 4.3 54.7 14.27 3.9 57.9 15.09 5.7 69.0 4.99 1.7 21.5 6.63 1.9 36.5 NS, **
hd6b 6 S1809-RM3 3.28 1.7 3.3
hd7 7 R565-C1521 5.82 1.9 5.9
ppp2 2 RM341-RM327 5.99 0.6 13.2 4.78 0.8 11.6 8.92 0.6 22.6 NS
ppp3 3 R2404-R2443 4.26 −0.6 10.3
ppp4 4 R1496-C820 3.88 0.4 7.7
ppp6 6 C688-S1520 3.75 −1.2 14.1
ppp10 10 RZ649A-G1084 3.76 0.4 8.3
ppp12 12 S826-C751A 3.83 −0.4 7.7
spp1 1 S1501-C904 9.64 −15.1 26.1 13.52 −8.5 32.8 6.02 −8.4 22.1 10.85 −5.3 18.4 7.25 −4.5 11.9 NS, *, **
spp2a 2 C1769-RM6 3.22 −3.9 7.1
spp2b 2 RM327-S2068 8.52 −4.5 13.0
spp4 4 y103D-C2807 4.27 −5.4 8.5
spp5 5 RM164-C624 6.38 −4.1 10.9 4.57 −3.5 7.2 NS
spp6 6 R1679-C751B 8.20 4.2 11.7
spp7 7 R1789-RM242 4.29 7.0 12.9 9.36 7.0 8.4
spp8a 8 C309-S2108 6.89 −4.5 11.8
spp8b 8 RM342-G1073 4.91 −4.1 9.8
gpp1 1 S1501-C904 10.40 −18.2 27.6 13.27 −7.2 25.0 15.74 −6.0 23.3 NS, **
gpp3 3 RM203-R2404 10.07 4.6 13.4
gpp6a 6 C688-S1520 4.29 −13.0 12.9 3.23 −3.0 4.4 **
gpp6b 6 RM3-R2654 3.21 3.4 5.6
gpp7 7 R1789-RM242 4.27 12.4 8.5
gpp8a 8 G278-C166 3.51 −8.2 4.0
gpp8b 8 C309-S2108 4.52 −3.9 7.6 8.55 −4.4 12.3 NS
gpp10 10 RM304-G2155 7.89 −9.7 21.5 6.96 −10.8 20.8 NS
gw1a 1 C904-R596 10.6 −1.1 16.2 5.51 −0.5 13.1 9.38 −0.4 6.3 5.38 −0.3 4.5 NS, **
gw1b 1 CDO455-RM5 4.18 0.6 5.6 4.66 0.3 4.4 NS
gw1c 1 RM283-C101 3.46 0.4 7.1
gw2a 2 Y1-400-R208 10.2 0.5 8.5 14.00 0.6 8.3 NS
gw2b 2 C920-C1769 3.33 −0.3 2.7
gw3a 3 y4831-RM135 5.27 −0.8 9.7
gw3b 3 RM55-RM203 3.02 −0.4 7.3 5.44 −0.3 5.2 4.07 −0.3 4.5 NS
gw3c 3 RM282-G162 3.59 −0.4 7.9 3.13 −0.3 4.3 NS
gw5 5 C624-RM26 3.14 −0.6 5.5 4.55 −0.3 3.1 NS
gw6 6 R1679-C751B 5.40 −0.7 6.8 3.16 −0.3 4.3 *
gw7 7 C615-R565 8.13 0.9 13.1
gw8a 8 S2108-C483 6.08 0.7 6.3 7.08 0.3 5.5 3.62 0.3 3.6 NS, *
gw8b 8 R2662-RZ572 8.04 −0.5 8.2
gw9 9 RM205-S11302 5.33 0.4 3.0
gw10 10 G1084-RG257 4.49 −0.3 3.5
gw11 11 R2918-S1559B 4.24 −0.7 6.9 17.66 −0.9 21.4 8.04 −0.5 6.2 NS, *
gypp1 1 S1501-C904 18.08 −3.4 31.3 6.08 −2.6 13.3 4.23 −1.6 10.8 6.93 −1.5 15.4 NS, *, **
gypp3a 3 R1925-G1318 4.53 1.4 6.6
gypp3b 3 G162-y4831 3.13 1.1 7.8
gypp4 4 C2807-RM252 3.06 −1.2 4.6
gypp6 6 C688-S1520 3.37 −5.2 10.5 2.95 −4.3 7.7 NS
gypp8 8 C309-S2108 6.89 −4.5 11.8
gypp10 10 RM304-G2155 5.68 −6.6 17.1 8.08 −2.6 16.4 **

NS, no significance; *significance levels of P < 0.05; **significance levels of P < 0.01.


QTLs are named by trait abbreviations plus chromosomal number.


A LOD score of 3.0 was used for declaring the existence of a putative QTL, according to the method of Lynch and Walsh (1998).


In the RILs, QTL effect is the additive effect, i.e., the average substitution effect of the B5 allele by the Minhui allele. In the TC populations, QTL effects were estimated by the difference between the heterozygote tester/Minhui and the heterozygote tester/B5. The heterozygosity was 17.22, 16.67, 14.44, and 17.78% for Zhenshan97B/B5, II-32B/B5, YuetaiB/B5, and Peiai64s/B5, respectively, and 19.94, 20.00, 19.44, and 18.89% for Zhenshan 97B/Minhui, II-32B/Minhui, YuetaiB/Minhui, and Peiai64s/Minhui, respectively. The genetic expectation of the QTL effect is the additive gene effect (α) when estimated from the RILs, the additive effects, and the dominance effects (α + d) from the F1 mean values.


Variation explained by each QTL.


For testing the difference of QTL effect estimated among different populations.