Figure 1.
Genetic interactions among nucleation-promoting factor mutants and arp2 alleles. (A) Diagram of genetic relationships. Six haploid strains bearing las17Δ, abp1Δ, myo3Δ myo5Δ, pan1-101, arp2-1, and arp2-7 mutations were crossed in all pairwise combinations to test genetic interactions. The data for arp2 alleles are summarized in Table 2. The absence of a line indicates that no interaction was detected. SL, synthetic lethal; SS, synthetic sick; SUP, suppression. The direction of the arrow indicates direction of suppression. Thus, the growth defects of both arp2-1 and las17Δ strains are partially suppressed by abp1Δ. (B) Differential genetic interactions of abp1Δ with las17Δ, arp2-1, and arp2-7 mutations. Haploid abpΔ las17Δ, abp1Δ arp2-1, and abp1Δ arp2-7 strains were transformed with a pABP1 CEN expression plasmid (Lila and Drubin 1997) or empty vector, plated on selective media, and grown at 25° and 34°.