Figure 2.
Random amplification and resequencing microarray-based identification of two common respiratory tract viral pathogens. (A) RPM v.1 design overview. The tiled sequence regions for each of the targeted respiratory tract pathogens have been color-coded (left). (B) Hybridization profile of the HAdV-4 prototype strain RI-67. (C) Identification of an H3N2 influenza A virus (A/Fujian/411/2002) from Lackland AFB clinical nasal wash sample #NW20031114–03–7. (Upper arrow) Tile region for hemagglutinin (H3), (lower arrow) tile regions for neuraminidase (N2) and matrix. The black region interspersed between the two arrows constitutes the tile regions for hemagglutinin (H5) and neuraminidase (N1). (D) Identification of an HAdV-5/HAdV-21 coinfection in NHRC clinical throat swab sample #7151. The arrows on the right of each image are color coded according to the legend on the far left.