Ganglioside pattern and genotype analysis of one representative
litter. (A) Thin-layer chromatogram of gangliosides
purified from the cerebra of 10 littermate pups. Isolated material
corresponding to 0.8 mg protein was applied at the origin, and the
plate developed in chloroform-methanol-0.25% aqueous KCl (5:4:1);
ganglioside bands were revealed with resorcinol spray. Pups nos. 3, 5,
6, and 8 were deficient in complex gangliosides and showed an excess of
GM3 and LM1 together with a very large accumulation of GD3. Pups nos. 1
and 9 were heterozygotes (see below) and contained complex gangliosides
similar to wild type (nos. 2, 4, 7, and 10) with modest elevation of
GD3 accompanied by reduction of a ganglioside running just ahead of
GD1b. BBG, bovine brain gangliosides (standards). (B)
Genotype identification. DNA isolated from the above brain tissues was
subjected to PCR and the resulting products developed in a 0.7%
agarose gel. The 2.9- and 2.5-kb bands represent wild-type and mutant
GalNAc-T alleles, respectively. Pups nos. 4 and 7 were identified as
wild type, nos. 1 and 9 as heterozygotes, and no. 5 as knockout. The
far right column is DNA ladder standards (GIBCO).