Molecular analyses of PDAC cell lines and primary tumor specimens from mice with p53 and p16 mutant animals. (A) PCR reactions to detect the p53-WT (+) and p53lox alleles (Upper) and p53-null (−) allele (Lower) in normal tissue from p53lox/lox (lane 1) and p53lox/+ (lane 7) mice and tumor cell lines (lanes 2–6). All tumor cell lines show only the p53-null allele. Germ-line p16Ink4a status is indicated at the top. (B) Western blot for p16Ink4a and p19Arf expression in cell lines derived from p53lox/lox mice with various p16Ink4a genotypes. The negative and positive controls are in lanes 9 and 10, respectively. α-Tubulin is shown as a loading control. (C) PCR analysis of the p53+ and p53lox alleles (Upper) and the p53− (/) allele (Lower) demonstrates loss of the p53+ allele in all tumors from p53lox/+ p16+/− mice (lanes 2–6). Lane 1 shows the WT control specimen. (D) Western blot analysis shows low or absent p16Ink4a expression in five of six tumor cell lines from p53lox/+ p16+/− mice (Right, lanes 1–6), whereas all retain p19Arf expression. Negative controls are in lanes 7 and 12. p16Ink4a expression in PDAC cell lines from p53lox/lox p16+/+ (lane 8) and p53lox/lox p16+/− (lane 10) mice is shown as a reference (Right). (E) PCR analysis of the p16Ink4a− and p16Ink4a+ alleles demonstrates LOH in one of six samples (lane 5). Normal tissue specimens are shown as controls for the p16Ink4a+/+, p16Ink4a−/−, and p16Ink4a+/+ alleles (lanes 1–3). (F) Methylation-specific PCR assay to detect methylated CpG islands in the p16Ink4a promoter region reveals hypermethylation in three tumor lines (lanes 1, 4, and 5). Upper and Lower show the methylated (M) and unmethylated (U) alleles, respectively. Negative and positive controls are in lanes 7 and 8.