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. 2006 Mar 21;103(13):4846–4851. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0508854103

Table 1.

Data collection, phasing, and refinement statistics

Data collection and phasing
    Data set Native Pb1 D38C (KCl)
    Space group I222 I222 I222
    Unit cell parameters, Å
        a 61.8 61.8 60.5
        b 110.2 110.9 109.3
        c 152.3 151.7 151.9
    Temperature, K 290 290 100
    Resolution, Å 2.00 1.90 1.60
    Highest resolution shell, Å 2.05–2.00 1.94–1.90 1.64–1.60
    Rmerge, %* 0.062 (0.309) 0.079 (0.51) 0.058 (0.592)
    Completeness, % 92.0 (95.8) 99.3 (99.9) 99.1 (98.2)
    No. unique reflections 32,706 41,139 66,155
    II 15.99 (3.05) 17.06 (2.34) 25.80 (2.70)
    MFID, % 0.218
    Phasing power (acentric/    centric)§ 1.56/1.23
    Rcullis, acentric/centric 0.75/0.66
    Number of sites 1
    No. of reflections used 29,565 62,796
    Rcryst, %/Rfree, % 16.1/20.7 15.4/18.6
    Ramachandran plot, % 88.9/10.4/0.7 89.4/10.0/0.7
    Rms deviation bond length, Å 0.012 0.023
    Rms deviation bond angle, ° 1.58 1.55
    Number in final model
        Residues 355 357
        Protein atoms 2749 2778
        Catalytic Zn2+ 1
        Citrate ions 1
        NADP 1 1
        K+ 5
        Water molecules 146 675
    Mean B values, Å2
        Protein atoms 34 25
        Catalytic Zn2+ 24
        Citrate ion 36
        NADP 32 24
        K+ 29
        Waters 44 41

*Rmerge = Σhkl|IiIm|/Σhkl1Im, where Im is the mean intensity of the reflection.

Numbers in parentheses indicate values for the highest resolution shell.

Mean fractional isomorphous difference = Σ‖FPH| − |FP‖/Σ|FP|, where FPH and FP are the structure factor amplitudes for derivative and native crystals, respectively.

§Phasing power is defined as the rms value of heavy-atom structure factor amplitude divided by the rms value of lack-of-closure error.

Rcullis = 〈lack-of-closure〉/〈isomorphous difference〉.