Fig. 3.
Abnormal proliferation patterns of UBR1−/−UBR2−/− neural precursors. Transverse sections of ED10.5 UBR1−/− UBR2−/− embryos (B, D, F, H, Ic, Id, K, and M) and littermate control embryos (UBR1+/+UBR2+/− in A, C, E, G, Ia, Ib, and L; UBR1+/−UBR2+/+ in J) that were stained for BrdU (red), pH3 (green), nestin (red), TUNEL (green), and/or Ki67 (red), as indicated above. (E and F) Enlarged views of boxed hindbrain regions in C and D. (I) Representative morphologies of pH3-positive nuclei of cells in ED10.5 UBR1−/−UBR2−/− (c and d) and control (a and b) hindbrains. (Scale bars: A–D, L, and M, 200 μm; E and F, 40 μm; G, H, J, and K, 100 μm.)