Fig. 5.
Impaired cardiovascular development in UBR1−/−UBR2−/− embryos. (A and B) Lateral views of ED10.5 UBR1−/−UBR2−/− (B) and littermate UBR1+/+ UBR2+/− control (A) embryos. Markings are as follows: arrow, abnormal heart morphology; asterisk, swollen pericardial sac; arrowhead, hemorrhage. (C and D) Hematoxylin/eosin-stained transverse sections of ED10.5 UBR1−/−UBR2−/− (D) and littermate wild-type control (C) hearts. Markings are as follows: asterisk, swollen pericardial space; arrowheads, ventricular wall; arrows, sites of septum formation in wild-type (but not in UBR1−/−UBR2−/−) embryos. RA, right atrium; LA, left atrium; RV; right ventricle; LV, left ventricle. (E and F) PECAM-stained ED10.5 UBR1−/−UBR2−/− (F) and UBR1+/−UBR2+/− (E) yolk sacs. Arrowheads in F indicate some of the differences in the branching patterns relative to wild-type embryos. (G and H) PECAM-stained ED10.5 UBR1−/−UBR2−/− (H) and UBR1+/−UBR2+/− (G) whole embryos. Arrowheads mark the intracranial artery. (Scale bars: 100 μm.)