Effects of increased tissue respiratory demand (work) on steady-state
profiles of respiration. (A) Profiles in the absence of
coupled NO/O2 diffusion. ○, The same as for
Fig. 3D (VM = 2.5
× 10−5 Ms−1 for O2 consumption,
which corresponds to 0.9 μmol O2
consumed/106 cell per h; ref. 20). □,
▵, and ◊, Results with increasing
VM for oxygen (5 × 10−5
Ms−1, 8 × 10−5 Ms−1,
15 × 10−5 Ms−1, and 20 ×
10−5 Ms−1, respectively). (B)
Profiles with coupled NO/O2 diffusion. Symbols same as
A. For both plots, the concentrations of NO and
O2 at the vessel surface are 15 nM and 56 μM,
respectively for the baseline condition
(VM = 2.5 × 10−5