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. 2005 Oct 15;2(Spec No):A15.


Sample Student Research Questions, Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) Education and Outreach on Healthy Weight and Physical Activity, West Virginia, 2003–2004

Research Question Data Source Sample Size Proposed Analysis
What barriers to physical activity do participants report? Barriers survey (preproject) 30 Descriptive statistics
Over a 10-week period, will the number of steps taken increase on a daily basis? Daily step count from pedometer log 30 Descriptive statistics
Has being involved in this project changed the participants' concept of physical activity and influenced their future intentions concerning physical activity? Survey (postproject) 20 Frequency and inductive analyses
Will our participants' scores on the barriers survey decrease from preassessment to the postassessment? Barriers to physical activity survey (preproject and postproject) 35 Paired t test
At baseline, what percentage of participants are overweight and obese, and how do they compare with statewide BMIa data from the West Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System? BMIa (preproject) 20 Descriptive statistics

BMI indicates body mass index (kg/m2).