Sample Student Research Questions, Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) Education and Outreach on Healthy Weight and Physical Activity, West Virginia, 2003–2004
Research Question | Data Source | Sample Size | Proposed Analysis |
What barriers to physical activity do participants report? | Barriers survey (preproject) | 30 | Descriptive statistics |
Over a 10-week period, will the number of steps taken increase on a daily basis? | Daily step count from pedometer log | 30 | Descriptive statistics |
Has being involved in this project changed the participants' concept of physical activity and influenced their future intentions concerning physical activity? | Survey (postproject) | 20 | Frequency and inductive analyses |
Will our participants' scores on the barriers survey decrease from preassessment to the postassessment? | Barriers to physical activity survey (preproject and postproject) | 35 | Paired t test |
At baseline, what percentage of participants are overweight and obese, and how do they compare with statewide BMIa data from the West Virginia Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System? | BMIa (preproject) | 20 | Descriptive statistics |
BMI indicates body mass index (kg/m2).