Northern blot analysis of bfGnRHRs expression by using
32P-labeled bfGnRHR-1, bfGnRHR-2, and bfGnRHR-3 cDNAs: p,
pituitary; fb, forebrain; hb, hindbrain. Total RNA (10 μg) prepared
from each brain region in different season (January, hibernation; June,
breeding; and September, after-breeding) was subjected to Northern blot
analysis under high-stringency conditions. The different transcripts
and the sizes for each receptor are indicated (Left).
GAPDH was used as an internal control indicating equal loading.
Exposure times were 2.5 days for Northern blots of bfGnRHR-2 and
bfGnRHR-3 and 12 h for Northern blots of bfGnRHR-1 and GAPDH.