Fecal STEC numbers correlated with weight gain in sheep. Four experimental groups are shown. Two groups received STEC orally twice per week, starting 2 weeks before BLV challenge (pre & post BLV STEC, group 1) or 24 h postchallenge (post BLV STEC, group 2), until 16 weeks post-BLV challenge. The infection control group (BLV no STEC, group 3) and the healthy control group (no BLV, group 4) received E. coli K-12 starting at week −2, and the healthy control group was not challenged with BLV. Weight gains between 4 and 7 weeks post-BLV challenge are expressed as percentages and plotted against average fecal STEC numbers post-BLV challenge. Arrows indicate animals from the infection control group (no STEC BLV) that spontaneously acquired high fecal STEC counts after BLV challenge.