Figure 4.
Effects of CPF treatment after the initiation of differentiation in cells pretreated with NGF for 4 days before the addition of CPF and with incubations continued for 3 additional days. NS, not significant. (A) Cell number (DNA content) and percentage of nonviable cells (trypan blue staining). (B) ChAT and TH activity per cell (i.e. per microgram DNA). (C) ChAT and TH activity per microgram protein. Data are means and SEs.
*Significantly different from the corresponding control. Across both types of enzyme activity measures (per microgram DNA, per microgram protein), ANOVA also indicated a significant treatment × measure interaction (p < 0.006) with no significant effect on ChAT (p > 0.3) but a significant increase in TH (p < 0.04).