Figure 3.
Resonance Raman spectra of the oxy complex of Q(E7)G and the Y(B10)L mutants of Chlamydomonas oxyHb. The spectra with 16O2 and 18O2, as well as the difference spectra (16O2 − 18O2), are shown for both the mutants. The frequencies of the νFe—O2 mode are assigned at 569 (544 with 18O2) and 561 (537) cm−1 for Q(E7)G and Y(B10)L, respectively. The difference feature at 431/419 cm−1 in Q(E7)G may arise from the Fe—O—O bending mode (see refs. 23 and 35), which is not detected in Y(B10)L. The νO—O modes are not detected in these two mutants.