Coupling of Sig-1R, ankyrin B, and IP3R-3 as a trimeric
complex. (A) Coimmunoprecipitation (IP) followed by
Western blotting of the Sig-1R/ankyrin B/IP3R-3 complex
by respective cognate antibodies. (B) Percentages of
IP3R-3 and ankyrin B, respectively, coimmunoprecipitated
with Sig-1R. IP3R-3 were immunoprecipitated with
anti-IP3R-3 antibodies or anti-Sig-1R antibodies. Ankyrin B
isoforms were coimmunoprecipitated with either anti-ankyrin B
antibodies or anti-Sig-1R antibodies. Immunoblots were digitally
scanned and densitometrically quantified by a Macintosh computer-based
image analysis program (image, National Institutes of
Health). Note: Anti-IP3R-3 antibodies and anti-ankyrin B
antibodies also immunoprecipitated proteolytic products of
IP3R-3 and ankyrin B, respectively (see lanes 1 and 3, from