(A) COS-7 cells were transfected with the empty pTM1 vector or with pTM1 carrying inserts containing the protease gene of several retroviruses or poliovirus 2Apro. At 16 hpt, equal amounts of protein extract were loaded in a polyacrylamide gel and analysed by Western blotting using a monoclonal antibody against PABP (10% gel). Data are referred to control experiments carried out with the empty pTM1 vector, and the values were obtained by densitometric scanning of the protein band of approx. 70 kDa corresponding to PABP. (B) Western blot against eIF4GI (7.5% gel). (C) Western blot against eIF4GII (7.5% gel). The estimated amount of intact protein in cell extracts obtained from transfections with different constructs is indicated below each panel. MW, molecular mass (sizes are given in kDa); c.p., cleavage fragments; Ct, C-terminal fragments of eIF4GII.