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. 2002 Aug;37(4):1079–1103. doi: 10.1034/j.1600-0560.2002.67.x

A Mental Health/Substance Abuse Utilization

Inpatient Utilization:
Bedsection codes based on major diagnostic categories (MDC)
MDC 19 Mental disorders
MDC 20 Drugs

Outpatient Utilization*

Mental Health Clinic Stop Code Mental Health Clinic Stop Code
Psychiatry/neurobehaviorial 509, 510, 511, 512 Residential care 503
Psychology/mental health 502, 504, 520, 531, 563 Day treatment/day hospital 505, 506, 532, 548, 553, 554
Substance abuse 137, 507, 508, 513, 514, 519, 523, 547 Compensated work therapy 515, 517, 518, 571, 572, 573, 574
Sexual trauma counseling 524, 525 Vocational/housing assistance 522, 535, 575
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 540, 541, 562 Geriatric psychiatry 578
Social work 125 PTSD day treatment 580, 581
Geriatric psychiatry 576 Outreach community services 501, 551, 552, 590
GROUP: Domicilliary care 725, 726, 727, 728
PTSD 516, 561
Long-term therapy 521, 550
Substance abuse 555, 556, 560
Psychiatry/neurobehaviorial 557, 559
Psychology 558
Geriatric psychiatry 577

An outpatient visit may consist of 1–15 clinic stops reflecting any outpatient activity that occurred during the encounter(s). A clinic stop is a patient encounter with one or more health professionals at a particular clinic. A MH/SA clinic stop, such as Substance Abuse, has several stop codes associated with it (e.g., 137, 507, and 508). These reflect different locations where a patient has received care for SA disorders (e.g., inpatient unit of a medical center, outpatient SA clinic, psychiatry clinic, day treatment center).