Figure 1. Phylogenetic analysis of ASIC gene family generated using mega version 2.1 (Kumar et al. 2001).
The tree for the phylogram was established by Neighbour-Joining, with the alignment form clustal_x. The tree was rooted with FaNaC as an outgroup. The bar represents genetic distance in substitutions per amino acid. New sequences reported in this work are in bold. The corresponding nucleotide sequences have been submitted to GenBank: the accession numbers are AY278028, AY275841, AY275840, AY956390, AY956391, AY956392 and AY956393 for ASIC 1-toadfish, 2-toadfish, 1.2-toadfish, 1-lamprey, 1a-shark, 1b-shark and 1-chicken, respectively.