A, left panel shows comparison of DSE inhibition in neurones before and after treatment with UCM-707 (8–10 μm, bath applied for 10 min). Right panel shows averaged normalized time courses of EPSC inhibition by DSE protocol (indicated by arrow) in control and UCM-707-treated conditions. B, time course of EPSCs in response to 2-AG (1 μm) alone, and after UCM-707 treatment (8 μm). C, left panel shows summary of same-cell inhibition with 2-AG versus 2-AG with/after 10 min of treatment with UCM-707. Right panel shows averaged recovery time courses of 2-AG before and after UCM-707 treatment. D, left panel shows comparison of DSE in neurones before and after 10 min with UCM-707 (8–10 μm) in the internal pipette solution (intracellular solution, ICS). Right panel shows averaged normalized time courses of EPSC inhibition by DSE protocol (indicated by arrow) in control and UCM-707-treated conditions. *P < 0.05 by Student's paired t test.