Figure 6.
Naloxone increased fI/fE in an 11-day-old rat with intact vagi given fentanyl
A, intervals between successive EMGABD bursts (black circles), and between inspirations preceded (blue squares) or not preceded (red squares) by an EMGABD burst. A small dose of naloxone (0.03 mg kg−1s.c.) was injected (arrow) and antagonized fentanyl-induced changes in breathing apparent after ∼300 s (double arrow). Note that naloxone had little effect on fE, but increased fI to the point where some inspirations (red squares) occurred in between E-bursts. B, quantal breathing after fentanyl but before naloxone. C, ∼300 s after injection of naloxone, ectopic inspiratory bursts were induced.