Figure 3. Inhibitory effect of ML-9 on TRPC5 channel is observed in whole-cell mode but not in cell-excised, inside-outside mode of patch-clamp recording.
Traces of single-channel currents recorded by the whole-cell mode (A) or the inside-out mode (C) of the patch-clamp technique before (a) and during the application of 10 μm ML-9 (b and c) from the outside (A) or from the inside (C) of the membrane. A and C, a–c correspond to the time indicated by the arrows in B and D. Holding potential was −60 mV. The lines and the dotted lines indicate the closed and the open current levels. B and D, the plot of nPo against time is shown. Values of nPo are calculated every second. The bars indicate the duration of the exposure to 10 μm ML-9 from the outside (B) or from the inside (D) of the membrane. Similar results were obtained from four and six cells in the whole-cell and in the inside-out mode, respectively.