Figure 8. Effect of ML-9 on the cellular localization of TRPC5–eGFP fusion protein in a single HEK293 cell.
A, image observed by confocal microscopy before (control) and after (1.5 and 8 min) stimulation with ML-9 (10 μm). Insets show a high magnification view of the boxed portion. Scale bar represents 10 μm. B, time course of the fluorescence intensity of TRPC5–eGFP measured in the indicated areas at the cytoplasm (a, c and e) and plasma membrane (b, d and f) is shown in the inset. The arrow indicates the time of ML-9 stimulation. A similar response was observed in 10 cells. C, left panel shows sequential images obtained by evanescent wave excitation in a single HEK293 cell expressing TRPC5–eGFP or eGFP-F observed before (0 s) and after stimulation (30, 60 and 120 s) with ML-9 or dimethyl sulphoxide. Scale bar represents 10 μm. Right panel shows time course of the fluorescence intensity change of TRPC5–eGFP (▪) and eGFP-F (▴) stimulated with ML-9 (10 μm) or TRPC5–eGFP treated with dimethyl sulphoxide (•) measured in the whole part of a cell shown in the left panels. A similar response was observed in four cells. *P < 0.05 versus control group.