Fig. 1.
At the LM level in turtle retina, strong nNOS-LI was present in at least three amacrine cell types (vertical arrows, type 1 in A; type 2 in B; and type 3 in C), their processes in the IPL (asterisks in A-C), some somata in the GCL (vertical arrowheads in D), the ellipsoids of photoreceptors (asterisks in D) and near the OLM (horizontal arrowheads in D). Some amacrine cell somata had strong nNOS-LI (vertical arrow in D), while numerous amacrine somata had weaker nNOS-LI. The sections in (A-C) were labeled using a rabbit primary antiserum against amino acids 1400-1418 of rat nNOS (SC-648), while the section in (D) was incubated in a rabbit antiserum against porcine cerebellar nNOS (Mayer et al., 1990). Scale bars, A-C, 15 lm; 1D, 30 lm.